You Ain’t Hungry Until I’m Starving

Nutrition for the Soul

By: Vid Lamonte’ Buggs Jr.

Category: African American Literature | Narrative | African American Poetry

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About You Ain’t Hungry Until I’m Starving

Simultaneously touching and gritty, “You Ain’t Hungry Until I’m Starving” promotes peace and equality by offering unique insight into some of the most complicated issues of our time.

“The secret is – there really is no secret!”

Growing up an African-American man with some Native American ancestry, Buggs has been gifted with a broad and unbiased view of race relations in America. Never one to shy away from the harsh realities of life, he instead chooses to redirect our human confusion and frustration toward finding amicable solutions that express the best of humanity. This book serves to fulfill our deepest inner cravings and provide much-needed nutrition for the soul. Buggs’ poetic approach brings people together with a deeper understanding and appreciation of the glory of life itself.


Written in a poetic style that invites you into to the mind of its author. There’s a vulnerability to it. Very quickly it’s apparent the internal conflicts that he experiences as they leap from the pages and into our consciousness.

There’s a cleverness in the theme of this book the circle back to its titled. With a traditional contents page entitled “Menu” and a Forward entitled “Thanksgiving “. These pun-like uses are found throughout the book and leaves no doubt of the authors originality.

It’s quite a perfect reflection of the author, simply from its imperfections. He makes no attempt to be anything other than whom he is and I find that refreshing. This book is a case of “what you read is what you get”. To immerse yourself in this content is to dip your toes into the deep waters that is him.

There’s no GPS guide for this journey. So as you begin to read it you may ask yourself “where is this going?” or “are we there yet?”. As you continue you will realize that he has taken you on the scenic route. To a hidden location that only he knows, which is his truth, his mind and heart. You will begin to notice familiar landmarks as you pass. Those will be the reflections of you, things you relate to and have also experienced. Once you reach the conclusion of his writings you will understand how it all comes together. Which ironically, I find an underlying tone that emphasizes enjoying life’s journey as you travel toward self-discovery.

If you do not know or ever met the author personally then this is your opportunity to know him more. I appreciated the authenticity and personal experiences that contributed to him producing this work.

If this book were music it would be considered Real HipHop. It has a message. Some jewels are given to you in a simplistic style because they are important for you to understand. While even more gems can be found underneath the surface if you only dig a bit deeper. I hope you find his work as beneficial as I did. – Ashley B