Elevators in My Mind

By: Jarray Davis

Category: Memoirs | Crime and Criminal Biographies

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About Elevators in My Mind

An honor student and son of successful parents. Jarray Davis had a bright future ahead of him and the world in his hands. How did Jarray decide to honor his parents’ legacy? He decided to land himself in prison for seven years.

Elevators In My Mind is a revealing memoir by Jarray Davis that details his time spent in prison and his attempt to pay his debt back to society. Jarray Davis embarks on an intellectual journey, which will lead to a freedom more profound than any that could be granted by a legal authority. One question still remains; will his debt to society ever be paid in full?


“I ain’t never coming back here,” I responded sternly. And I meant every last word.

Elevators in My Mind is a memoir by Jarray Davis.
In this memoir, he recounts his life in prison and how it has helped him change his life.
He was once an honors student who landed in prison after making a mistake.
Seven years is a lot of time to spend in prison but now he needs to give back to society what belongs to them.

“Everyone makes mistakes and while we need to take responsibility for our actions that does not mean we should not get a second chance at a better life. I love the author’s conviction in writing this book and how he wanted to put forth his story to the world, but sometimes less is more. Also, I absolutely love the cover.” – Melina L.