Before Success

The Beginning with No Ending


Category: African American Literature | Motivational | LGBT Anthologies & Collections

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About Before Success

Before Success, a prolific story of freedom, insight, pain and wholesome joy, provides the reader with a point of view containing no filters. This book is designed to be the most honest, profound, and clarifying piece of literature anyone picks up.

Before Success, is revealing, motivating and intriguing. This book serves to inspire growth through tough times, overcoming fears and staying in love with life, while savoring the beauty that each day brings.

“This book is the beginning of self-discovery with no end Letting life be a fantastic journey instead of a graveyard of potential.” -K’BANA BLAQ


Incredibly touched and moved by the honesty and vulnerability in this book. K’bana encourages us to keep pushing no matter the obstacles or opinions of others. It’s our responsibility to use every single one of our gifts!